Your Driving Habits And Your Auto Insurance Rates

What if you are in the market for improving your auto insurance rates, but you have less than a perfect driving record. The best approach in this case would be to find and compare online car insurance rates from companies that specialize in assisting clients with “second chance” auto insurance rates.

Paying your car insurance premium month after month causes most people to think about various ways to lower their auto insurance rates. Year after year your rates continue to increase even though you had a clean driving record during that period. Many auto insurance companies will increase your online car insurance rates just to make more profits.

However, there are many factors involving your driving record that determine your car insurance rates. Many of us have some knowledge of what these factors are and their effect on car insurance rates, but it is important to review this data to be sure you thoroughly understand your situation.

Traffic Tickets and Your Auto Insurance Rates

Normally, if you have a minor traffic citation on your driving record it will not have a huge impact on your car insurance rates. By simply exceeding the speed limit only by a couple of miles per hour or missing a stop sign, insurance companies may only increase your rates a few dollars. But if you accumulate numerous tickets and these tickets are for major violations you can expect a drastic rise in your rates.

For example, if you are stopped for speeding and issued a citation the insurance provider will research how many miles per hour you were over the limit; 10 miles or less, between 11 and 15, or 16 and higher. As a general rule, the driver who was speeding at 16 or more will have higher insurance rates than a driver who was only speeding less than 10 miles over the limit. Additionally, if you are issued such a ticket once over a three year period, your rates will be less than someone who has been issued multiple tickets.

Serious traffic offenses also will hurt your car insurance rates drastically. You will see an increase in your rates of 10% to 25% for driving while intoxicated or under the influence. Think about how high your auto insurance rates could go if you combine a few major traffic violations and a DUI offense.

The Amount of Time You Spend Behind the Wheel

Additional factors that affect your car insurance rates are the amount of time you spend behind the wheel as well as the reasons for driving. The amount of time behind the wheel increases the likelihood that you will be in an accident. Traveling a long distance to get to and from work will cause you to pay a higher premium than the person who works from home or drives a short distance to work. You may not be able to change the location of your job, but you can consider using your car less by carpooling or even choosing an alternate form of transportation to get to work.

In addition, if you choose to use your car in conjunction with your business your auto insurance rates will be adjusted. Insurance companies take this into consideration because of the additional risk involved and the possibility of having to settle a future claim. With auto insurance rates on the rise and there to stay, it is best to try all means necessary to reduce your online car insurance rates as low as possible.